Saturday, March 3, 2007

Life's Greatest Present

Mr. Miller was a successful old man – retired from an envious top position in a big corporation, very well respected in the society for both his knowledge and services to the community. Above all he was extremely energetic and cheerful.

Little Johnny lived opposite to Mr. Miller. He had known Johnny since he was a kid and like all other kids even Johnny loved talking to old Mr. Miller. They would often talk about various things and once while talking about gifts Johnny asked what gift Mr. Miller liked the most in his life. Mr. Miller took no time in replying that he loved “the present” that was enabled him to be happier and better do whatever he set out to do. Johnny was curious about the present and asked Mr. Miller if he would share it with him. The old man said sure and Johnny gladly returned to play.

They didn’t talk about the present for a while but Johnny never forgot it. As Johnny got into his teens he realized how the joy of all his gifts would pass away in time. He still wondered if the ultimate present which would make one happier and would enable one to do better whatever they set out to even existed. Mr. Miller loved the company of young people and especially Johnny whom he had seen grow from a young kid to a teenager. He would often observe Johnny mowing his neighbor’s lawn, observe how Johnny loved what he was doing and how much happiness it gave him. Johnny had already confirmed that the present was neither a magic wand that can make all his wishes come true nor was it a time machine which could take him anywhere anytime. One day after being determined to find out what the present was and where to find it Johnny went to Mr. Miller and pestered him to answer his questions. Mr. Miller replied “You already know what the present is; you already know where to find it. And you already know how it can make you happy and successful. You knew it best when you were younger. You have simply forgotten. Johnny had no idea what Mr. Miller meant and completely perplexed the poor guy left.

Johnny grew older, only to expect more in everything and become impatient. He would be anxious about what kind of life laid ahead and be upset about what he had done wrong in the past. He tried hard to be the same cheerful young Johnny but happiness seemed to get sparser every year. He searched the internet, books, magazines and almost everyone he did ever met to find the present but failed. Finally he decided to start working and tried to forget the present. At work he seemed well from the outside but from within he often wondered what he was doing there. He would spend a lot of time trying to find out some other work that would give him more enjoyment and thinking about what he would do after work. His mind often wandered during meetings and even conversation with his friends. He performed adequately but deep down knew that he could have done better. He would think about his girlfriend when at work and would worry about work when with his girlfriend. This not just caused stressed and made him unhappy but also affected his relationship with his girlfriend.

Not completely losing hope on the ultimate present, he returned home to pay a visit to Mr. Miller and share his concerns. Mr. Miller sensed the suffering the moment he looked at Johnny. Johnny asked Mr. Miller to give him the present as he needed it more than ever. Mr. Miller said that though he would love to give it to him, he didn’t have the power to. The present has to be found by each person for himself/herself. Some find it sooner, some take a little longer while some don’t find it at all. He asked Johnny how he felt while mowing the loans. What he was thinking while doing it? Johnny replied, “Al I thought about while mowing the lawn was the lawn in front of me. How I would mow the tricky areas. The other neighbors were so impressed that they too wanted me to mow their lawn and such appreciation for one’s work felt so good. Of course I would also think how to improvise on my work. He sounded as if the answer was obvious. Mr. Miller pointed out that the answer contained the present in it. He suggested Johnny take a break and spend some time alone by himself trying to discover the present.

Johnny felt much better even talking to Mr. Miller and while leaving right before entering his car he saw a kid working like he used to – mowing one of the house’s lawn. Unaware that he was curiously being observed by Johnny the kid continued working in his own way. The lawn was done perfectly with no corner left uncut. So commonplace a task yet it looked like the work of an artist. The young kid paid attention only to moving the grass while whistling and being completely present in the present.

That’s when lightening struck Johnny…. This was “the present” to completely live in the present. Truly it is something we all already have he realized and its only up to us to unwrap it and start using it. Being in the present means focusing on what is happening right now! It means appreciating the gifts we are offered every day. Delighted he went back inside and the moment Mr. Miller saw him enter the room, he realized that Johnny had found the present. Johnny was unable to express his joy… he said, “I found it Mr. Miller, I did, I realize how all my worries can be gotten over if only I live in the present. I am just feeling silly that I didn’t realize it before – all this time when you were trying to give it to me.”

Johnny went back to work next day with new lifted spirits. He put a note on his desk that said “Live in the Present, Concentrate on what’s Important NOW!” that reminded him of the great present he had finally received. He soon saw the success it brought to him. He would now be completely involved in the conversation while talking to people and would try to be present in the meetings when someone was talking. Often his mind would drift into the past or the future but he would look at the card and remind himself of what was important then.
This was the story of young Johnny who discovered the greatest gift of his life – The Present via old Mr. Miller. Why is Johnny’s story important? How does it touch us? Don’t we sometimes if not often too engrossed in worrying about our future that don’t see what lie in front of us. Havent we heard of complains at home – you aren’t listening? Spent too much time day dreaming about our anniversary trip that when its time to leave we find it difficult to let go of the work that had piled up while we were day dreaming? Don’t we sometimes spend too much time feeling sorry about the mistakes we did in the past? If answer to any of the above questions is a yes, we can learn from little Johnny’s story.


Anonymous said...

good chhe...

Jaya said...

Good one.. An important message which all of us 'know' but have to 'realize'. And why r u called the 'Weirdo's Den'?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Though it might be the crux of life, present is also it's greatest PRESENT...

Weirdo said...

Its called Weirdo's Den because I am called a weirdo

Weirdo said...

I forgot to add that the concept is from a book called The Present .