Monday, January 28, 2008

The Time Machine

The final test. He had perfected the time machine. No flaws or explosions this time. "The mad scientist" they had nicknamed him. He'd show them. Those mindless fools sleepwalking through life without a purpose, who couldn't recognize his genius. He'd show them. Just one last test. A human subject. Him.

He knew it was dangerous. But he had a strong feeling it would work. This time it was for real. After all, the tests with inanimate objects and animals had worked fine. He had to try it.

He set the date. 18th century. The Revolution. He wouldn't see much as he would return in five minutes. But still, it was an interesting period. And it would look good when he announced his invention to the world. He was ready. Everything double checked. He'd show them...

Initiating time-travel sequence in 5...4...3...2...1...

He vanished from the lab. So did the time machine. Broke the space-time continuum. The Big Bang, they would call it. Years later...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Cliché

He opened his eyes. He was waiting for her at the train station. It was late. Almost midnight. The train would be leaving soon. And they'd go away. Far away from the family feuds and the intimidation and the pain and the...But why hadn't she come yet? She had to. She had promised. The light turned green. A whistle sounded. The train set off in motion with a gentle shove. One last searching look. He rubbed away the tears. And stepped on to the train...

He opened his eyes. His head felt heavy. And a couple of sizes too big. Something cold was pressed against his hand. A .45 automatic. Used quite recently. He could smell it in the air. He tried to get his eyes to focus. And regretted it immediately. She lay on the carpet in a pool of blood. He stumbled over and hugged her. Then carried her lifeless body and placed it on the bed. He knew he would be the prime suspect. His fingerprints were all over the place. Well, so be it. He rubbed away the tears and reloaded the gun. They would pay for this...

He opened his eyes. Someone was calling his name. He walked over and got his espresso. 3 more hours of studying. And then 2 more in the examination hall. He wondered how many more espressos he'll need. He tried to concentrate on the squiggles which according to the author were a data plot. Someone who smelled nice squeezed past him, stumbled and scalded his neck with her latte. He screamed. She panicked. Everyone stared. She got some napkins. She said she was sorry. He said it was alright. He made a quick trip to the restroom. He sat down. He saw she had the same textbook...

He opened his eyes. The hospital tiles stared back at him. Cold, unfriendly and spotlessly clean. She'd been in surgery for almost three hours now. His brain was numb from worrying. And praying. All he wanted was for someone to come out and tell him that she was going to be okay. It had been a drunk driver. One who hadn't noticed or hadn't cared for the red light. Why? Why her? Why today? Why hadn't he picked her up from work like everyday? He rubbed away the tears and looked up. The nurse was walking towards him. Please let her be okay, just please let her be okay...

"What are you doing? And why are these crumpled papers on the floor?"

"Well, what does it look like I'm doing? I am trying to write a short story. But everything I've tried so far just sounds so clichéd."