Friday, June 29, 2007

A Conversation

"Honey, I'm home..."

"What took you so long?"

"You know, the work, the traffic. They closed the Drake Avenue exit. It's a parking lot out there."

"I've been home for three hours. I left early today to pick up some groceries on the way. Can you believe it? They didn't have any chunky peanut butter. I had to buy the creamy one."

"Quite a misfortune. Really, what is the world coming to these days?"

"You don't have to be sarcastic. I was just saying..."

"Yes dear, I know you were just saying. How was your day?"

"It was okay. Nothing great. How was yours?"

"It was a blast. Mooned the boss and told him to go drown himself."

"Very funny. Did you call the phone company about the extra charges?"

"Yes, I did and the lady suggested it would help some if you spent less time on the phone with your mom."

"Sometimes I wonder why I even try talking sense with you."

"Yes, it is a pity, isn't it? Sometimes I wonder why you said yes when I was kneeling on one leg with a diamond ring in hand."

"The sparkle of the diamond must have blinded me from seeing your true self."

"Ah, some of my wit is finally rubbing off on you. So what did you cook for dinner?"

"Spinach lasagna with ricotta cheese."

"Sounds like a lot of work."

"It was. Opening the packet, thawing the lasagna, heating it in the oven. That's tough, mister."

"Hah...I should have guessed."

"Well, you can crack wise all you want. I have an early presentation tomorrow, so I am off to sleep."

"No wait...listen, sit down for a minute...let's seems like such a long time since we just sat and talked. I mean talked about each other. Not about work or friends or the weather. Just about us."

"I would love to darling. But not today. It's so late and I just have to get up early for my presentation. We'll talk tomorrow, I promise. Now you just go and have a nice hot shower and enjoy your dinner. Good night, dear."

"Okay. Good night."

He looked at the clock. 7 pm. 10 pm in New York. How he hated the time difference. He sighed. And hung up.


GeekGrl said...

Yeah yeah yeah....I know who the parking lot jab is at...:(. I just hope to hell u end up using that cursed freeway and become a co-sufferer in my pain...

GeekGrl said...

But yeah...I love this thing about the time difference u mention...the pain in many a love stories in the US I suppose..

Anonymous said...

Mooned the boss and told him to go drown himself
this is creative... LOL

'to cut a long story short'; just a trivial question: jeffrey archer style in all stories?

JeDi said...

Hey !! I have a question ... if he is so not liking / frustrated with time difference, why doesnt he call a little (abt half hour) early ??
may be call from office and pretend to be home .. as such she doesnt seem to be smart to understand that :P :D

IndiGeek said...

@the muse: Actually, I had written the starting before the freeway jabs started. Good coincidence. And glad you liked.

@dj: Archer...O Henry...55fiction...inspiration unlimited :)

@jedi: A common rookie mistake. With time, you will learn from your mistakes, says the wise sensei :P

GreenGrl said...

Been a while since the ending twist brought a smile :).
Nice one ...

Devarshi Shah said...

An interesting one indeed...

The end does provoke a reflection on whether this sort of life is worth whatever additional benefits it brings along...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

why was my comment deleted ??????????????

IndiGeek said...

@nandan: TMI - Too Much Information, and that too, personal and skewed.