St. Peter: Welcome to the Pearly Gates. The name is Peter, Saint Peter. (to himself) Great...another blogger...I am gonna need more coffee...
Peter (rolling his eyes): Why do I get all the screwballs on Monday?
Blogger: And hey, you've got a cool pc and everything...did you upgrade recently?...if not, you should really consider know, Microsoft just released this great new operating system called...
P (exasperated): Would you just sit down and be quiet already? Now, the reason you are here is that we have to decide whether to send you to Heaven or to Hell...
B: Sheesh! What a grouch...I wonder how Mrs. Peter puts up with Mr. Sunshine here...
P (with an oily smug I-knew-it look): Ah, it says here that I have to send you to Hell.
B: WHAT? No...there must be some mistake...I have led a good honest life...I did not commit any sins...
P: looks like you plagiarized one post too many without giving credit to the rightful bloggers...
B (sheepishly): Uhhh...heh heh heh...ok, maybe I was "inspired" while writing a couple of posts...but I wrote a lot of genuine ones know, thoughts for the day, movie reviews, poems, jokes...
P: Jokes, eh? Well, guess who's laughing now? (breaks into guffaws of laughter)
B: Uh, you are.
(Awkward silence)
P: You weren't supposed to answer that. It was a rhetorical question. I was just saying - That the "joke" is on you, buster. (laughing hard while beating the desk with fists)
B: Uh, what joke?
(Silence again)
P: You know what, Mr. Smartypants? I am too old and too rich to put up with this. Off you go...(presses a button...hidden trapdoor under B's chair opens and B falls with a rapidly fading yell)
(B lands in front of Satan)
Satan: Ah, another one of's surprising how many of you bloggers turn up here. Welcome to Hell. Let me be frank...I don't know what Peter Parker up there told you but the reason you were sent here is that you are a smartass. Oh and in case you haven't guessed already, I am Satan...
B: I thought you said your name was Frank...
S: I am gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Now, if you follow me I'll show you the Blogger's Room.
B follows, trying to stomp on S's tail. S leads him into a huge air-conditioned room with row after row of shiny new workstations.
S: In here, we have the latest computer technology ever conceived, entirely for use by you bloggers. You can sit in here for as much time as you want and create blog posts unrivalled to anything you might have composed before.
B: Wow...this is unbelievable...just look at all the cool stuff in here...the templates, the formatting tools, the photo albums...oh I must be dreaming...or I must have died and gone to heav...Hey, wait a minute...I thought you said this place was how come you give us bloggers the best possible tools and facilities for blogging?
S: Ah, you see, that's the best part...none of our systems have a "Submit Post" button...
B: NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo...